MINNEAPOLIS (WCCO) — As Election Day draws near, there is a certain subject that politicians are afraid to broach. The subject is energy policy. Don Shelby says somebody in leadership ought to start talking, right now.
Here’s a fact that is nonpartisan. Americans send $1 billion a day out of our country to buy oil. As energy analyst Paul Scott puts it plainly, that a thousand-million dollars every day.
No matter what your political affiliation, that fact cannot sit well with you.
So, you would expect politicians to play to that general gut feeling that something isn’t right. But, they aren’t. There are more pressing problems: the economy foremost among them, they say.
I’m not sure they are separate problems.
You can’t fix the balance of trade that way. You can’t fix deficits that way. and if you can’t do that, you can’t fix the economy and unemployment.
I don’t know who to vote for. Nobody is talking about the elephant in every living room in our country. I’m waiting for someone to speak up. Republican, Democrat, Independent or Tea Party — my vote goes to common sense.